
Winning Results

LOIS Subrogation Team Secures 100% Loss Transfer Award Despite Prior Finding of No Liability

In a case where two claimants were injured in the same motor vehicle accident and the adverse automobile liability insurance carrier denied both loss transfer claims on the basis of a prior arbitration award, Christopher Major, Esq. and Senior Paralegal Jenifer Andrews were able to obtain full reimbursement via intercompany loss transfer arbitration on both claims. There was a prior third-party settlement with the at-fault driver that was inadequate to compensate the claimant’s damages, resulting in the claimant making an application for underinsured motorist benefits (SUM/UIM) against the UIM carrier. While that claim was pending, the UIM carrier sought intercompany loss transfer against the adverse carrier for property damage sustained in the accident. In that arbitration, the arbitrator ruled that the case was “word vs. word” and, therefore, there was inadequate evidence of liability on the part of the adverse carrier’s insured.

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