
Winning Results

Health Insurance Matching Program Defense at LOIS

Christopher Major successfully defends HIMP-1 claims in New York. The total demand was $250,000 over six claims. We settled all six in one day for $21,000 total: three of them for $2,500, two for $0, and one for $13,500.

None of them even came near our client’s potential liability under the New York State fee schedules, which is what the client was expecting to pay. When the adjuster took the settlements to management for final approval, they were baffled at the low settlement amounts and couldn’t fathom how two cases settled for $0!

Case Information

  • CASE: Multiple
  • CLIENT: A National Insurance Carrier
  • DATE OF DECISION: June 15, 2020
Download the New York Risk Transfer Handbook

Download Our New York Risk Transfer Handbook

The “New York Risk Transfer Handbook" is "an effort to present to you, the curious claims professional, supervisor, manager, risk transfer or recovery specialist, or even fellow lawyer, just how subrogation makes sense in the context of your claims.”

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Risk Transfer, Subrogation & General Litigation at Lois Law Firm

Why LOIS Has a Dedicated Civil Litigation Practice

LOIS has a dedicated Civil Litigation Practice to serve general liability, premises liability, automobile liability insurance carriers and third party administrators in reimbursement claims under New York WCL § 29 and New Jersey’s Section 40 (N.J.S.A. 34:15-40). Our attorneys also regularly represent these clients’ insureds in defense of personal injury matters filed in all counties in Metropolitan New York, all counties in New Jersey and in the federal courts.

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