
2023 Edition

Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Law Handbook

Greg Lois, Esq.

This book is designed to be a plain English, practical, and up-to-date guide to handling claims under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act and Defense Base Act. The chapters in this book are designed to follow the natural timeline of a LHWCA compensation claim: We begin with initial reporting requirements, establishing jurisdiction, and compensability. We then discuss the benefits available to an injured worker: medical treatment, wage replacement, and special handling considerations for specific types of claims. Finally, the ending chapters in this book discuss trial considerations, types of settlements, judgment and appeal, and related considerations (HIPAA and the Medicare Secondary Payer Act).

This is also a Practical Guide to Defense Base Act Litigation

This book covers the differences between the LHWCA and the Defense Base Act, as well as provides a practical guide to defending DBA claims brought by employees doing public work overseas, including government-related construction projects, work connected with the national defense, or employment under a service contract supporting either activity. This handbook discusses working abroad both in- and out- of the “zone of special danger” and provides practical guidance to risk professionals.

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    Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Defense at Lois Law Firm

    We defend employers and carriers in workers' compensation claims arising under the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act in litigation before the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Office of Administrative Law Judges. The LHWCA is a federal statute designed to provide medical benefits and compensation for lost income to longshoremen, harbor workers, dock men, ship repairmen, ship builders, and other maritime workers who are injured during the course of their employment.

    In the event that a work-related injury or accident results in the death of an employee covered under the LHWCA, the Act also provides death benefits to the decedent's eligible survivors. We analyze whether Longshore jurisdiction applies, defend claims, and pursue lien recovery.

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