Our New York Workers’ Compensation presentation “Is the Claimant an Employee?” is LIVE April 18, 2016 (today!). Today’s presentation kicks off the year-long curriculum (course topics are below). By attending each month, you will get a complete overview of worker’ compensation issues and defense practice in New York!
If you miss a session – no problem – replays are available.
Today’s webinar is presented by Steven Bedoya, Esq., and Christian Sison, Esq., both attorneys in the New York workers’ compensation practice at Lois LLC.
How do I register? Click the link or paste into your browser.
Watch live at 12:00PM EST –https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/722571927247879940
Watch live at 3:00PM, EST- https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7343427424826996994
All webinars begin with a 5-10 minute overview of the general topic, and then a Q & A session is held for the balance of the time. Questions can be on any topic in workers’ compensation law (not limited to the topic of that day’s presentation). Feel free to email your questions in advance to the presenters or type them into the question box during the presentation.
The Curriculum:
New York Webinar Calendar (always the “third Monday” of the month):
- April 18, 2016: Is the Claimant an employee? (Employee – Employer)
- May 16, 2016: Which Defense Applies? (Legal Defenses)
- June 20, 2016: Does the Going and Coming Defense Apply? (Defenses)
- July 18, 2016: Common Questions About Lost Time (Indemnity Benefits)
- August 15, 2016: Update on Medical Treatment issues (Medical benefits)
- September 19, 2016: Trial Preparation for Occupational Claims (Traumatic Injuries/Occupational or Repetitive Motion claims)
- October 17, 2016: Getting the Most from Your IMEs (Independent Medical Evaluations)
- November 21, 2016: Evaluating Claims for Permanency Exposure (Permanency Benefits)
- December 19, 2016: Settlements and Subrogation (Settlements, Liens, and Third-Party Subrogation)
- January 16, 2017: Medicare Secondary Payer Exposure (Employer/Carrier MSP)
- February 20, 2017: Appeals of Board Decisions (Appeals and Post-trial practice)
- March 21, 2017: Penalties in New York (Penalties)
Who are the webinars for? Our webinar series is presented at an introductory level and in plain English. Most of our attendees are adjusters and risk managers who want to learn more about New York and New Jersey workers’ compensation topics. You do not have to be an expert in workers’ compensation law to get a lot out of these presentations! Many of our clients use the monthly webinar series as training for new team members and as a “refresher” course for their more experienced adjusters. A complete overview is here.
What to expect: All webinars are taught by attorneys and begin with a 5-10 minute overview of the general topic, and then a Q & A session is held for the balance of the time. Questions can be on any topic in workers’ compensation law (not limited to the topic). Handout materials are provided in advance of each session.
Are there separate webinars for New York and New Jersey workers’ compensation law? Yes, we have separate webinars for each State. New York webinars are always the third Monday of the Month. New Jersey webinars are always the fourth Monday of the month. Register here for New Jersey.
Can I watch a replay of past webinars? Yes, here: https://www.loisllc.com/webinars/archive/