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Guide to M&T Reimbursement in New York

What is M & T Reimbursement?

New York’s Workers’ Compensation Law requires the employer/carrier to reimburse the claimant for out-of-pocket expenses for certain medication, durable medical goods, and mileage (currently $0.56 per mile). These “M & T” expenses are typically mileage expense requests. Be careful in issuing payments! Claimant routinely submit reimbursement requests for items which are improper or not covered under the Law.

​What is reimbursable?

Just car mileage to and from doctor’s appointments (including hospital parking fees and tolls) and prescription drug or apparatus costs. These expenses can be recorded on Form C-257 (but the form is not required – any documentation is acceptable).

What M&T expenses are NOT eligible for reimbursement?

  • Round trip mileage to hearings.
  • Round trip mileage to pharmacy.
  • Round trip mileage for out of state medical treatment not previously approved.
  • Round trip mileage to Workforce One, VESID or any similar vocational rehabilitation program.
  • Anything that does NOT have a receipt for proof of payment.
  • Doctor appointments which do NOT have corresponding medical reports to show proof of attendance.
  • Housekeepers, prepared meals, other domestic help not previously approved or ordered.
  • Be especially wary of bills for unlicensed livery operators – i.e., bills for “taxi service” where the “provider” was a family member or friend.

Answers to Common M&T Common Questions.

  1. We reimburse mileages, not taxi or bus fare, UNLESS the taxi or bus fare is Less than the mileage cost.
  2. If they took a taxi, reimburse for mileage, not taxi fare.
  3. Parking and tolls are not covered unless on way to doctor.
  4. Pharmacy trips and travel to court/attorneys’ offices are NOT covered.

Here are all the rates by year (currently, $0.56 per mile): https://www.wcb.ny.gov/content/main/SubjectNos/sn150_18_1.jsp

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