What is M & T Reimbursement?
New York’s Workers’ Compensation Law requires the employer/carrier to reimburse the claimant for out-of-pocket expenses for certain medication, durable medical goods, and mileage (currently $0.56 per mile). These “M & T” expenses are typically mileage expense requests. Be careful in issuing payments! Claimant routinely submit reimbursement requests for items which are improper or not covered under the Law.
What is reimbursable?
Just car mileage to and from doctor’s appointments (including hospital parking fees and tolls) and prescription drug or apparatus costs. These expenses can be recorded on Form C-257 (but the form is not required – any documentation is acceptable).
What M&T expenses are NOT eligible for reimbursement?
- Round trip mileage to hearings.
- Round trip mileage to pharmacy.
- Round trip mileage for out of state medical treatment not previously approved.
- Round trip mileage to Workforce One, VESID or any similar vocational rehabilitation program.
- Anything that does NOT have a receipt for proof of payment.
- Doctor appointments which do NOT have corresponding medical reports to show proof of attendance.
- Housekeepers, prepared meals, other domestic help not previously approved or ordered.
- Be especially wary of bills for unlicensed livery operators – i.e., bills for “taxi service” where the “provider” was a family member or friend.
Answers to Common M&T Common Questions.
- We reimburse mileages, not taxi or bus fare, UNLESS the taxi or bus fare is Less than the mileage cost.
- If they took a taxi, reimburse for mileage, not taxi fare.
- Parking and tolls are not covered unless on way to doctor.
- Pharmacy trips and travel to court/attorneys’ offices are NOT covered.
Here are all the rates by year (currently, $0.56 per mile): https://www.wcb.ny.gov/content/main/SubjectNos/sn150_18_1.jsp