
Yaqarah Letellier

Associate Attorney

Associate Attorney Yaqarah Letellier concentrates her practice at LOIS on defending employers and carriers in New York workers’ compensation claims. She manages all aspects of workers’ compensation claims, including evaluating claims, conducting depositions, negotiating settlements, and litigating on the client’s behalf.

Yaqarah’s clients include OCIPs and CCIPs, self- insured, carriers that insure wrap policies, and large deductible insured. She has experience in defending employers and carriers in no-fault insurance. She also has experience in plaintiff-side employment & labor law.

  • Curriculum Vitae


  • St. John's School of Law, Juris Doctor (2021)
  • Rutgers University-New Brunswick, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences (2013)

Professional Admissions

  • State of New York (2022)
  • State of New Jersey (2023)

Professional Activities

  • New York State Bar Association

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