
Winning Results

LOIS Proves WCL Section 114-a Violation, Debunks “Good Days and Bad Days” Theory

LOIS Associate Kristine Rosales and LOIS Law Clerk Joanna Barc secured a WCL Section 114-a violation win in a New York Workers’ Compensation claim against a Claimant who misrepresented to the Independent Medical Examiner (IME) his exertional ability and omitted his out-of-work activities to his own treating provider. The Claimant complained to the IME of radiating back pain, an inability to walk any distance, and difficulty negotiating stairs. However, the Carrier obtained covert surveillance video capturing activities after the IME appointment, which demonstrated the Claimant climbing up and down ladders, using a pressure washer for about 28 minutes on his house, and bending over repeatedly. The Claimant’s treating doctor maintained that the Claimant had “good days and bad days,” while the IME opined that based on the surveillance video, there was no causally related disability. On cross-examination of the Claimant, Rosales obtained concessions in that the Claimant did not report his power washing activities to his treating doctor at any time. The Law Judge ruled that Claimant violated Section 114-a and imposed mandatory penalty from the date of the IME (the date when the Claimant misrepresented his out of work activities). The Law Judge found that the Claimant’s misrepresentation was that what the Claimant was complaining that he could not do was at odds with what was shown in the video. As a result of this favorable outcome, the Carrier is not liable for the indemnity payments from the date of the misrepresentation.

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Download Our New York Workers’ Compensation Law Handbook

The 2023 edition of Greg Lois’ practical, up-to-date, and easy-to-understand guide to workers’ compensation claims in New York.

This book is designed for employers, attorneys, claim adjusters, physicians, self-insured employers and vocational rehabilitation workers.

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New York Workers’ Compensation Defense at Lois Law Firm

We represent insurance carriers, self-insured employers, third party claim administrators, and employers before the New York State Workers' Compensation Board. We handle cases from cradle-to-grave. We want to be by your side, moving cases aggressively to closure from the start of litigation all the way through to settlement.

We only assign one attorney and one paralegal to each case. This means that your team members always have one contact to go to for any questions. We do not have 'hearing attorney' or a 'negotiation attorney' or 'appeal department' or anything else! All of our attorneys handle all of those roles – meaning cases are not 'passed around' as they move through the litigation process. Your risk professional or adjuster always knows who is assigned – because the attorney does not change.

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