
Firm News

Lois Law Firm Announces Promotion of Meisha Powell to Senior Associate

Lois Law Firm is proud to announce the promotion of Meisha Powell to the position of Senior Associate at our firm. This promotion is a testament to her unwavering dedication, exceptional work, and the remarkable results she has consistently delivered for the Firm’s construction clients.

Meisha’s commitment to excellence, her in-depth knowledge of the law, and her ability to navigate complex legal scenarios have not only earned her this well-deserved promotion but also greatly contributed to our firm’s success.

We are confident that in her new role as Senior Associate, Meisha will continue to demonstrate the same level of professionalism and passion for law that has distinguished her work thus far. We look forward to her continued contributions and leadership in this new capacity.

Please join us in congratulating Meisha on her well-deserved promotion!

Download the Defending Construction Claims Handbook

Download Our Defending Construction Claims Handbook

Tashia Rasul’s Handbook, “Defending Construction Claims in New York,” subtitled “A Practical Protocol for Coordinating Workers’ Compensation and General Liability Defense in Catastrophic Construction Claims,” is intended for employers, risk managers, insurance brokers and adjusters who are involved in the defense of construction accident claims in New York, and who are looking for a plain-English guide to defending these claims.

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Construction Defense at Lois Law Firm

Construction injuries often lead to two claims: one pending in workers’ compensation court and a civil case based on New York’s Labor Law. These cases are multi-jurisdictional as the two courts reviewing the same set of facts have very different jurisdictional limitations and powers. The injured worker is typically represented by seasoned counsel (from one of just a few firms who have turned construction claims into a specialty) and is aided by a statutory scheme in New York which creates a cottage industry of strict liability claims for employers. The embattled construction employer is therefore required to defend two claims at once filed by the same employee.

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